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Influenced by his father’s autobiography (only discovered posthumously), betrayal, the eternal internal/eternal battle against depression, poems of youthful excess, unresolved desire and living life in self-imposed exile on the other side of the world.

Franks’s second volume of poems show a marked step forward at the same time as addressing the future of poetry in a digital age and the perils of parking penguins.

The last of the great British traitors

SKU: SB007
  • Andrew was born in Eastbourne, East Sussex. A parallel working life began in local government then the theatre and then as an English language teacher, whilst all the time playing guitar and singing in local bands. Franks has subsequently worked for magazine and newspaper companies around the world.

    Sydney is currently home. He hosts a weekly radio show ‘London Calling’ on 2rrr and plays guitar in ‘The Freds‘ ‘The Last Sunbathers' & ‘The Butterfly House‘. In addition he performs his poetry live on a regular basis in both UK & Australia.

    Other poetic works...

    ‘Scratched in the stars, sprawled on the sand’, the debut collection was published by SBP in 2009. This was followed by ‘The last of the great British traitors’ in 2011. A third collection ‘Sunflower Eclipse over Troia Nova’ was published by SBP in November 2018. His fourth collection ‘Countrycide’ is due to be published in 2021.

    Short stories

    Franks contributed ‘Engels’ Ashes’ and ‘Notes from the last days of the old regime’ (under the Nom de Plume Jack Nash) to the Soul Bay short story compilation ‘Thirteen’ (October 2013).

    Other Writing

    The founder of the English Beach Poets Society. Franks is also responsible for the surprisingly popular blog The Things I miss about England. As well as being both Publisher and Editor of the defiantly lo-fi monthly poetry publication “the poetry of desire…“.

    For all up to date news on the latest gigs, aborted projects and new releases go to his website

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